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Sharon Obadia, DO, FNAOME, ’97, interim dean of ATSU-SOMA, said graduates are a force for good in the world and promised they will make a difference.


“You are not carrying the weight of this responsibility alone. We are all here to support you.”

斯蒂芬妮·考克斯·巴特森(Stephanie Cox-Batson),马萨诸塞州,弗科格(FACOG),发表了开学地址。Cox-Baston博士担任伊利诺伊州芝加哥北卫生服务公司附近的首席医疗官。她还担任西北Prentice医院的产科分类部门的主体医师,并与西北妇女专家担任合伙人。

Dr. Cox-Batson earned her doctor of medicine degree and master of arts degree in neurophysiology from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, followed by postgraduate training at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University and Prentice Women’s Hospital. A diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, she is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and is a member of the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.


“As doctors of osteopathic medicine, you have a leg up on the rest of us. You have been trained to see the patient as a whole. That is a gift, and you should cherish it,” Dr. Cox-Baston said.

“You are doctors now, but you do not deserve your patient’s respect. You’re going to earn it. They, on the other hand, deserve your respect the second they walk into your room. If you remember this, and if you allow your patients to heal you, you’re going to have wealth and health beyond imagination.”

Graduates also heard from Linda J. Thomas-Hemak, MD, FACP, FAAP. Dr. Thomas-Hemak serves as president and CEO of The Wright Center for Community Health and its affiliated entity, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, in Scranton, Pennsylvania. After graduating as a Michael DeBakey Scholar from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and completing Harvard’s Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency program in Boston, Massachusetts, she joined The Wright Center in 2001, becoming president in 2007 and CEO in 2012.


“In you we see the hope for the future recovery of the healthcare delivery and medical education systems in this country,” she said. “You should know that was the purpose of founding ATSU, and with NACHC (National Association of Community Health Centers) at your side and all the community health centers, we’re ready to lift you up and to help you be successful as you go on your journey.”

博士。考克斯·巴斯顿(Cox-Baston)和托马斯·赫马克(Thomas-Hemak)由ATSU总统克雷格·菲尔普斯(Craig Phelps),’84授予人道信誉博士学位。

NACHC的首席医疗官Ron Yee,医学博士,MBA,MBA,FAAP,提供了美国社区卫生中心的话。Yee博士提醒ATSU-SOMA毕业生在13,500个社区卫生中心中的角色,该中心为美国11人中的1人服务。

Yee博士说:“ ATSU-SOMA学生接受了培训,可以实践高效的全人种医学,并为美国一些服务不足的社区中的人们带来优质的护理。”“据估计,ATSU学生和毕业生每年为超过2500万服务不足的患者提供护理。”

In closing remarks, Dr. Phelps reminded graduates of the tools they possess and support they can find in the ATSU community.

“For the rest of your life you will wear the mantle of a healer,” Dr. Phelps said. “More importantly, those sitting before you, next to you, and behind you will support and continue to support you throughout your career, as you dedicate yourself to the most noble of all callings – helping others.”


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